
October 16, 2024

Okello Bond Highlights Flaws in Security Planning at Uganda Cranes Matches

3 min read

Okello Bond Highlights Flaws in Security Planning at Uganda Cranes Matches

In a detailed assessment, safety and security expert Okello Bond has brought to light significant gaps in the security planning and operations at Uganda Cranes matches. His analysis points to a variety of challenges stemming from inadequate coordination and planning among the different functional areas responsible for event management, as well as the lack of critical safety measures.

One of the major issues highlighted is the absence of an integrated planning approach, where each functional area operates independently without a unified operational picture. This lack of coordination leads to conflicts on match day, such as misplaced deployment of personnel, failure to secure vulnerable entry points, and overcrowded gates. Bond also pointed out the failure to conduct security-specific preparatory meetings, with most pre-match discussions limited to the Inter-Ministerial Organizing Committee (IMOC) meetings, leaving key security concerns inadequately addressed.

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Other concerns include the lack of risk assessments, plan integrations, and operational readiness tests, which are crucial steps in delivering effective safety and security measures. Furthermore, Bond expressed concern over the delegation of security responsibilities for the visiting teams to areas with no expertise in handling safety, thereby posing a threat to both the visiting teams and the host nation.

On match day, the problems escalate due to the lack of earlier preparations. The failure to conduct necessary safety steps results in operational conflicts, turnstile malfunctions, and crowd buildups at entry points, raising the risk of serious injuries and potential loss of lives. Bond also highlighted the sale of fake tickets as a significant factor that leads to turnstile issues, increasing crowd pressure and forced entries into the stadium.

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The consequences of these oversights are already evident. FUFA has incurred revenue losses, facilities have been damaged due to crowd pressure at gates, and the federation’s reputation has suffered, with fans facing delays and inconveniences during match entry. Bond warns that unless immediate changes are made, the future could see more severe consequences, including potential fatalities, serious injuries, and heavy fines for violations of CAF and FIFA regulations.

To mitigate these risks, Bond recommends that FUFA and IMOC prioritize safety and security planning above all other operations, emphasizing the need for dedicated event planning, budgeting, and command and control processes. He also urges the engagement of sports safety and security specialists to design and implement bespoke security measures for national events, as well as the appointment of such specialists to the FUFA safety and security committee.

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Bond’s observations call for immediate action to ensure that security at Uganda Cranes matches is handled with the utmost professionalism and care, safeguarding fans and participants alike from preventable dangers.

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